Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How do you define respect

hidden heros among us 
Asif was 15 or 16 years old when he came to " shehar"( city) from his village. His aunt used to work in our house. She brought Asif and his brother to Karachi.He and his brother were scared of big water tankers and enjoyed watching tv. There father was jobless, mother was very sick. These two young boys were sent to Karachi to earn money so they can support their family consisting of parents and 9 siblings. They had never been to a school, did work at a tire shop before coming to Karachi.
"Baji please teach me to cook so I can become a chef, I have heard that chefs are given a lot of respect in the western countries", he said to my mother.
His brother got homesick and left after few weeks but Asif said " I can't go I have to support my family, they are very poor".
He started helping my mother in kitchen during mornings, read Quran with Qari Sahab in the afternoon then left for afternoon school. He used to get back around 5:00 and made tea for everyone.
He studied till 5 th grade and completed reading the Holy Quran, learned to make Pakistani and Chinese Cuisine. Every month sent money to his mother.
"Baji I have to collect more money for my sisters wedding, can you ask your friends if I can cook for them on weekends", he asked my mother.
Soon he was working at 3 of our neighbors on weekends. He was in his early twenties by then working hard every day collecting every rupee to send home. He never spent any money on himself, wore my brothers hand me downs so he can save money to built two new rooms in his parents house.
Asif worked harder than anyone else. Cooking for parties, catering orders. He never tried to steal or take advantage of others. He did not study much but he always told the truth and showed respect for others.
Many years have passed since that day when Asif arrived in Karachi he has his own catering business now. He bought a new motorcycle cooks for many people who include tv actors, business executives and government employees.
He has hired few helpers to assist him. Made his Facebook page and website. He has become quite popular among his clients. All of his siblings except for one is settled now. His mother passed away last year. Asif has two kids. They both go to school.
"My son will study and become an army officer. A chef is liked by everyone but not respected in our community", he says.
It's true hardwork definitely pays off but there are so many teenaged kids like Asif who are working day and night in our country to support their families. Don't they deserve a little more respect from us ........
Maybe more than the so called educated officials who are very corrupt .......

There are children who work in houses, workshops, factories, carpet weaving mills and on streets of Pakistan. All of them have the same story " we are doing this to support our families". They all are heroes, they sacrifice their childhood every day for their loved ones. 

People write about them, try to create awareness about child labour and help them monetarily.  Its great that you are trying to help but my question is do you give respect to these kids?

Do you?

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